Movies Broadway Singers and Beyond

Évaluation: 5 Avis: 1

If you like movie soundtracks, Broadway showstoppers and love songs, singers like Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Barbra Streisand, Johnny Mathis, Sammy Davis Jr. and hundreds more, then we’re the Internet radio station for you. If you like big bands, New Age, light Jazz and light rock, then we can please you, too.


Meilleurs morceaux sur Movies Broadway Singers and Beyond

  • Orchestra - Overture (Promises Promises)
  • Johnny Mathis — The Best of Everything
  • Artist — Track
  • Carly Simon — My Romance
  • Keely Smith — Sweet and Lovely
  • The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra — Main Title
  • Newsies Original Broadway Cast — King of New York
  • Toïs — What Is This Thing Called Love?
  • Barry Manilow — Dancin' Fool
  • Victor Young — The Quiet Man – My Mother

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Facebook: @moviesbroadwaysingersandbeyond
Twitter: @MoviesRadio