Cherry FM

Grandview, 100.9 MHz FM
Évaluation: 5 Avis: 1

Cherry FM is a especially targeted to adults 35-64 who grew up with the likes of the Beatles, Stones, Steve Miller Band, The Doors and all the Motown Greats! FM has defied the odds playing highly tested titles in a music rotation that is tight CHERRY FM has the latest rock and roll music news, exclusive concert and show tickets, listen live online streaming and online promotions combined with the latest prizes to satisfy our listeners.


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Contacts de radio

Adresse 17 N 3rd St, Ste 103 Yakima, Washington
Téléphone: +Studio Hotline: 509-452-1009, Office: 509-248-2900
Site Web:
Facebook: @CherryfmYakima

Fax: 509-452-9661