RadioTotal Star

Évaluation: 5 Avis: 1

Total Star was the brand name of a radio station based in Cheltenham broadcasting in Gloucestershire owned by Celador. It was the licence holder for the Cheltenham and Tewkesbury licence issued by Ofcom. Total Star did not partake in the industry standard audience measuring surveys (Rajar) and its listening figures were therefore unknown.

Avis sur RadioTotal Star

Il n'y a pas encore d'avis pour RadioTotal Star.

Informations sur la radio

Total Star's final day of broadcasting was Sunday 14 April 2013. Owners Celador launched the Cheltenham and North Gloucestershire version of "The Breeze" on Monday 15 April 2013

Contacts de radio

Téléphone: +02032870319
Site Web:
Facebook: @totalstarmed
Twitter: @TotalStarRadio
Instagram: @totalstarradio