SoHeavenly Radio

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SoHeavenly Radio is a non-denominational Christian internet radio station based in Gaborone,Botswana. Our desire is to win souls for Christ and mature those already in Christ. Our mission statement is to Prepare the way of the Lord, taken from John 1:23 NLT- 'John replied in the words of the prophet Isaiah: “I am a voice shouting in the wilderness, ‘Clear/prepare the way for the LORD’s coming!'

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Informations sur la radio

What does it mean to prepare?

To “prepare” in the Bible meant to ready,

order, set up, establish, make firm. To “prepare the way” means firmly resolving to remove all stumbling blocks that prevent us from being right with God.

Contacts de radio

Téléphone: +267 3950038/74741714
Site Web:
WhatsApp: +26774741714
Facebook: @soheavenlyradio
Youtube: @soheavenlytv
Instagram: @soheavenlyradio