Iteka FM

Bujumbura, 101.4 MHz FM
Évaluation: 5 Avis: 1

Iteka FM is a radio station that broadcasts primarily in Kirundi and caters to the lifestyle and entertainment aspirations of an urban Burundi audience aged between 13 and 45 years. Iteka FM airs music, celebrity, diaspora lifestyle and current issues.

Avis sur Iteka FM

Il n'y a pas encore d'avis pour Iteka FM.

Contacts de radio

Adresse Commune Ntahangwa Industriel, Boulevard de l’OUA No 55, Immeuble Maison St Pierre
Téléphone: +25762897718
Site Web:
WhatsApp: +25762897718
Facebook: @itekafm
Instagram: @itekafm