Radio Bassy FM

Ziniar, 105.6 MHz FM
Évaluation: 5 Avis: 1

Along with regular programs Radio Bassy FM is that kind of radio that has got special programs for some of the very special occasion which makes the radio a very appealing online radio station. It’s the radio that will leave you with joy and excitement because every tracks and programs of Bassy FM is for pure listening pleasure.


Meilleurs morceaux sur Radio Bassy FM

  • Creol — Bougie 144
  • Fanicko — Qui t'a dit ça ?
  • AMZY — Bienvenue à Ouaga
  • DEZ ALTINO — mak daoré
  • Innoss'B — Yo pe
  • AkuBai — Tchapeusi (Le jour du jugement)

Avis sur Radio Bassy FM

Il n'y a pas encore d'avis pour Radio Bassy FM.

Contacts de radio

Adresse Zagbèga, Ziniaré, Burkina Faso
Téléphone: +226 70 27 90 08
Site Web:
Facebook: @radiobassy