Exclusively Paul McCartney

Évaluation: 5 Avis: 1

Sir James Paul McCartney CH MBE, singer, songwriter, musician, composer, and record and film producer who gained worldwide fame as co-lead vocalist and bassist for the Beatles. His songwriting partnership with John Lennon remains the most successful in history. All Paul McCartney All The Time


Meilleurs morceaux sur Exclusively Paul McCartney

  • Paul McCartney — No More Lonely Nights
  • Wings — Bluebird
  • Paul McCartney — Let Me Roll It
  • Wings — Jet
  • Paul McCartney — My Love
  • Wings — London Town
  • Paul McCartney — Beautiful Night
  • Paul McCartney — That Would Be Something
  • Paul McCartney — My Brave Face
  • Wings — Helen Wheels

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