Scouting Radio

Calificación: 5 Reseñas: 1

Listener Supported Internet Radio for the Scout Movement available on social media streaming live at and on demand podcasts.

Bahasa Indonesia

Reseñas de Scouting Radio

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Información sobre la radio

Listener Supported

Scouting Radio has continued broadcasting uninterrupted since 2005 thanks to the donations from our fans.

Independent Radio

Our station is a part of XTS / Xtreme Media Network. We are not affiliated to any NSO or World Scout body.

Station Endorsement

Our station is Endorsed by the Honorable Michael Baden-Powell.

Several ways to tune in

We're available on Facebook Live, Periscope, YouTube and all major podcast networks.

Contactos de radio

Teléfono: +622168334500
Sitio web:
Facebook: @scoutingradio