Radio Riverside

Upington, 98.2 MHz FM
Βαθμολογία: 5 Κριτικές: 1

Radio Riverside is the Best Community Radio Station in South Africa – Winner of MDDA-SANLAM Award from over 175 community radio stations in the country.

Κριτικές για το Radio Riverside

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Πληροφορίες για το ραδιόφωνο

Radio Riverside is a Community Radio broadcasting in a radius of +- 110km to towns in and around Upington daily. The ownership of Radio Riverside remains controlled by a non-profit entity and non-political entity. Control of Radio Riverside is vested in the control body of Radio Riverside Community Forum. Radio Riverside established and maintained formal structures which facilitate the participation of the community in the control, management, operational and programming aspects of the broadcasting service. The profits and any other income of Radio Riverside are applied to the promotion of its broadcasting activities and or in the service of its community

Επαφές ραδιοφώνου

Τηλέφωνο: +054 331 3244
WhatsApp: +0543313244
Facebook: @riverside982fm
Twitter: @Riverside982FM