ABC Radio National

Σίδνεϊ, 576 kHz AM
Βαθμολογία: 5 Κριτικές: 1

ABC Radio National is a great radio station available on 576 KHz, AM in Sydney, Australia.

Κριτικές για το ABC Radio National

Δεν υπάρχουν κριτικές για το ABC Radio National ακόμα.

Πληροφορίες για το ραδιόφωνο

The main topics of ABC Radio National are: news, talk. So, if you want to listen to such topics as news of talk, you are welcome to join its live broadcast at

You can also feel free to share the radio station with your friends in Facebook, Twitter and other social media.

You can also download our Google Play application and listen to ABC Radio National on your smart phone.

ABC Radio National, known on-air as RN, is an Australia-wide Public Service Broadcasting radio network run by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

Radio National broadcasts national programming in subjects that include news and current affairs, the arts, social issues, science, drama and comedy. Some programs are relayed on Radio Australia, the ABC's international free-to-air shortwave service.

Radio National currently has 327 transmitter sites and covers over 98% of the permanently inhabited areas of Australia.[citation needed] Remote areas are served by satellite service.

All radio programs are available for live streaming over the Internet, and most (excluding drama, poetry and music) as audio-on-demand, or for download as MP3s for at least four weeks after broadcast. Some programs are available as MP3s going back to 2005, when Radio National commenced podcasting. About 25% of shows, mainly the flagship weekly shows, have written transcripts archived back to 1996.

Επαφές ραδιοφώνου

Διεύθυνση ABC RN GPO Box 9994 Sydney, 2001
Τηλέφωνο: +61 02-8333 2821
Facebook: @radionational
Twitter: @radionational
Instagram: @abcradionational

Tel +61 13 99 94

Fax: +61 02-8333 2277

TALKBACK 1300 22 55 76

Text: 0418 226 576