Shirley and Spinoza Radio

San Francisco
Bewertung: 5 Bewertungen: 1

"Broken, bouncing, mixed-up radio waves... from your planet" Shirley and Spinoza Radio is an ongoing, eclectic audio stream of far-flung obscurities and concoctions from all earthly times and places... terrestrially-bound... and otherwise.


TOP-Songs auf Shirley and Spinoza Radio

  • Remote — Echo
  • Pierre Bastien — Wafture
  • Haruomi Hosono — Shoplifters
  • Barbara Buchholz — Lights After Dark
  • Vasiliev — MINECRAFT 2
  • The Fruiting Body — Full Moon Coffee
  • Goblin — Suspiria (Original Soundtrack Theme from "Suspiria")
  • Salami Rose Joe Louis — Crawwee
  • NorthZone — Rooftops
  • Niobe — Voodooluba TV Show

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