AM 1140

High River
Bewertung: 5 Bewertungen: 1

AM 1140 (CHRB)- Southern Alberta's Community Radio Station. Country Music, Agriculture and Inspirational Programming.


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Informationen über das Radio

CHRB 1140 is a broadcast Radio station from High River, Alberta, Canada, they have a great local Morning Show weekdays from 6-9:30am. Local news, local sports, local weather, community events and local other great Country Music.

Kontakte des Radios

Adresse 11-5th Avenue SE High River, AB T1V 1G2
Telefon: +1 403-652-2472, free: +1 866-652-2472, tradio: +1 403-652-3333, direct: +1 403-652-3333
Facebook: @AM-1140-120693441344363
Twitter: @AM_1140