Radio Polydor

Bedømmelse: 5 Anmeldelser: 1

Radio Polydor is a disco radio station playing all the 12 inch disco releases from Polydor Records and its sublabels Event, MGM, Posse, RSO and Spring.


TOP sange på Radio Polydor

  • Gloria Gaynor — I Will Survive
  • Peaches & Herb — Shake Your Groove Thing
  • Gloria Gaynor — Never Can Say Goodbye
  • Alicia Bridges — I Love the Nightlife
  • Roy Ayers — Running Away
  • Arpeggio - Love And Desire
  • Bionic Boogie — Risky Changes
  • Tamiko Jones — Can't Live Without Your Love
  • French Kiss — Panic
  • Don Ray - Got To Have Lovin

Anmeldelser af Radio Polydor

Der er endnu ingen anmeldelser for Radio Polydor.


Adresse c/o Alyx & Yeyi, 5201 Blue Lagoon Drive, 8th Floor, Miami, FL 33126, U.S.A.
Telefon: +1 (305) 572-8070

c/o Alyx & Yeyi, 5201 Blue Lagoon Drive, 8th Floor, Miami, FL 33126, U.S.A.