Planet Pootwaddle

Santa Monica
Bedømmelse: 5 Anmeldelser: 1

Planet Pootwaddle is an extensive collection of both familiar and eclectic music coupled with a healthy dose of 12 year old boy humor and all seamlessly bound together with our unique blend of production, or as we like to call it "jingle magic"


TOP sange på Planet Pootwaddle

  • Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors — Rooftops
  • Jimmy Buffett — Margaritaville
  • Grace Kelly — Cold Cold Water
  • Ted Lucas — Baby Where You Are
  • Graham Nash — Right Now
  • Elvin Bishop — That Train Is Gone
  • Pure Prairie League — I'm Almost Ready
  • Joss Stone — Some Kind of Wonderful
  • Grace Kelly — And So It Goes
  • Wilco — Evicted

Anmeldelser af Planet Pootwaddle

Der er endnu ingen anmeldelser for Planet Pootwaddle.


Adresse 2489 Amherst Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90064
Facebook: @PlanetPootwaddle
Twitter: @planetpooty

2489 Amherst Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90064