Radio Fatima Louange

Bedømmelse: 5 Anmeldelser: 1

"Radio Fatima Louange" is an on line catholic radio station founded by reverend father jules campion broadcasting 24/7 church and religious songs in french and haitian creole.


TOP sange på Radio Fatima Louange

  • Jean Robert Themistocle — Bay Jezu Yon Chans
  • Benedict Lamartine — Intro
  • - Piste 08
  • track-4<&> — Track-4<&>
  • Les Prêtres — Je cherche ton visage
  • Benedict Lamartine — Jezu Konn Geri Malad
  • track-9 — Track-9
  • Lucien Deiss — Tu es l'honneur
  • Benedict Lamartine — Touche-M Jezu
  • Schola Grégorienne De L'Université De Strasbourg — Benedictus & Magnificat

Anmeldelser af Radio Fatima Louange

Der er endnu ingen anmeldelser for Radio Fatima Louange.


Adresse 77 Avenue des Flamboyants, Saint-Marc, Haiti
Telefon: +50940164822
Facebook: @profile.php?id=100052730088889
Twitter: @JulesCampion1