Exclusively Stone Temple Pilots

Bedømmelse: 5 Anmeldelser: 1

San Diego's finest have been around since 1989 and after a hiatus in the noughties are now a popular and influential act. Sadly the band's singer and lyricist Scott Welland died in 2015 but they have continued to make great music with new singer Jeff Gutt. All Stone Temple Pilots All The Time.


TOP sange på Exclusively Stone Temple Pilots

  • Stone Temple Pilots — Days of the Week
  • Stone Temple Pilots — Church On Tuesday
  • Stone Temple Pilots — Plush
  • Stone Temple Pilots - Revolution
  • Stone Temple Pilots — Trippin' On a Hole In a Paper Heart
  • Stone Temple Pilots — Big Empty
  • Stone Temple Pilots — Vasoline
  • Stone Temple Pilots — Between the Lines
  • Stone Temple Pilots — Wonderful
  • Stone Temple Pilots — Sour Girl

Anmeldelser af Exclusively Stone Temple Pilots

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