East Alton, Hartford, Roxana, S. Roxana, Wood River Police / Fire

রেটিং: 5 পর্যালোচনা: 1

Police and fire communications ONLY FOR East Alton police (155.430) , Hartford, Roxana, S.Roxana and Wood River (police disp 155.115, police rptr. 155.715, fire 154.145, command 153.785). I am using a Kenwood TK 780vhf radio, Dell PC computer through a Charter cable DSL NetGear 5G Router. Wood River Fire Disp is PRIORITY CHANNEL.


East Alton, Hartford, Roxana, S. Roxana, Wood River Police / Fire পর্যালোচনা

East Alton, Hartford, Roxana, S. Roxana, Wood River Police / Fire এর জন্য কোনো পর্যালোচনা নেই।

রেডিও যোগাযোগ
