Imagine Radio 96.7 FM

রেটিং: 5 পর্যালোচনা: 1

Independent local news and music station covering Ashbourne,Uttoxeter, the Derbyshire Dales and Staffordshire Moorland borders.

Imagine Radio 96.7 FM পর্যালোচনা

Imagine Radio 96.7 FM এর জন্য কোনো পর্যালোচনা নেই।

রেডিও সম্পর্কিত তথ্য

96.7 Ashbourne Radio began broadcasting at 10am on Bank Holiday Monday, May 26th, 2008. It came about when certain members of the local community let the owners of High Peak Radio, the commercial radio station broadcasting to the High Peak and Hope Valley, know that they were disappointed they could not receive the service in and around Ashbourne.

রেডিও যোগাযোগ

ঠিকানা 116 Wellington Street Stockport SK1 1YH
ফোন: +0161 399 0148
Facebook: @ImagineRadioDerbyshireDaleEastStaffordshire
Twitter: @imagineradiouk