WBJL Radio

Reytinq: 5 Rəylər: 1

Welcome to 3JL BROADCASTING NETWORK… 3JL was launched in August 2014, as an Affiliate Network of IBN Broadcasting Network. During this time we began airing radio programs in the NJ/NY Metropolitan Area reaching around the globe.

WBJL Radio rəylər

WBJL Radio üçün heç bir rəy yoxdur.

Radio haqqında məlumat

Our entire team of “Believers” and “Industry Professionals” are proud to provide the highest level of Quality Customer Service to our Affiliates, Clients, and Customers.

We are Honored and Blessed to provide quality, faith based, ministries, family oriented, entertainment and programming to all Listeners and Viewers.

Radio əlaqələri

Ünvan 225 N. 8th Street
Telefon: +1 908-793-9255
Facebook: @wbjlradio
Instagram: @wbjlradio

Call Direct 908-793-WBJL

Dial-In-To-Listen : 712-227-8268