Solar FM

التقييم: 5 التقييمات: 1

Solar Radio was ‘born’ when veteran broadcaster and avid soul music fan Tony Monson evolved a plan to raise a phoenix from the combined ashes of London pirate stations JFM and Horizon. Solar was an acronym of ‘Sound Of London’s Alternative Radio’, and built a DJ roster and twenty-four-hour programme schedule which would continue the crusade to promote soul and related music styles on the airwaves of Greater London.

تقييمات Solar FM

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معلومات عن الراديو

Solar Radio has remained committed to bringing quality soul-related music to a wide audience, with every DJ having complete freedom of choice.We have upgraded our web presence, and our cause has been helped by the growth of web-based ‘social networking’ communities.

بيانات الاتصال بالراديو

الهاتف: +0330 660 0129
Facebook: @groupssolarradio
Twitter: @solarradio
Instagram: @solarradiosoul