Fantasy Radio

التقييم: 5 التقييمات: 1

Online Italo Disco Radio station, Italo Disco, Dance Classics, HINRG

تقييمات Fantasy Radio

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معلومات عن الراديو

Fantasy Radio is THE 24/7 Italo and HINRG radiostation where you can request records (20 per day) from our large music database and this way you can hear your favourite tracks the whole day!

We are always on the move to create as much variety as possible and have a team of enthousiastic DJ's who all have different styles and all share the same passion: MUSIC!

In our chatbox you can join the conversation with other listeners throughout the whole world. You will also often find the Fantasy crew there.

بيانات الاتصال بالراديو

Facebook: @fantasyR
Twitter: @Italonufantasy